Designer and researcher in CT developing human-centered solutions for social impact.

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Designer and researcher in CT developing human-centered solutions for social impact.

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DOC 234—34/2

At 2,200 acres, Freshkills Park is almost three times the size of Central Park and the largest park to be developed in New York City in over 100 years. It also has a significant history as the site of the Fresh Kills Landfill, which was the largest landfill in the world before closing in 2001. Since then, the landscape has been engineered with layers of soil and infrastructure, and the area has become a place for wildlife, recreation, science, education, and art.

As a researcher for New York City’s Parks Department, I helped develop an oral history of sanitation archive, cataloged photos with the city archivist, produced a feasibility study for on-site farming/hosting goats for invasive species control, and helped with community outreach.

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